Monthly Archives: February 2012

How to give instructions in Spanish 1

There are 2 ways to give instructions in Spanish: Imperative afirmative Impersonal “se” <h2>Imperative Affirmative in Spanish</h2> The imperative is used to give orders, instructions, requests… The imperative has only 4 forms: <em>tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes</em>. Regular Remember that when the imperative is accompanied with pronouns, the pronouns are attached to […]

Talk about what others say: Reported speech in Spanish 11

We use the reported speech when we want to say what other people say, think or believe. There are two ways of report this information: Direct speech: when we transmit the original message word for word. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by inverted commas. Example: The […]

Taking the confusion out of “por” and “para” 1

This two prepositions “por” and “para” are frequently mixed up because they are often used for the English word “for”. They key to understand which preposition has to be used is to think about the meaning you want to convey. In this post I’m going to show you the major […]