Archivo Mensual: octubre 2011

More than words

  What would you think if you see me doing the gesture of pointing my finger to the temple and moving it in circles? For me, it’s clear that I want to express someone is crazy, but if I were in the north of Europe I could be in trouble […]

Why learn Spanish? Few reasons

I am a native Spanish speaker and I teach it as a foreign language. If I someone asked me, why learn Spanish or another language, I would have lots of reasons to cheer people up to learn a foreign language, whatever it is. But if I had to suggest a […]

Teaching cultural awareness in an intercultural class 2

    This post has been inspired by the book I have just finished reading: In the name of identity: violence and the need to belong, by Amin Maalouf. Read that I strongly recommend for several reasons: it is a thought provoking book about what makes up an individual: he says […]