Archivo Anual: 2012

Describe in the past (Pretérito Imperfecto de Indicativo) 4

The Imperfect – Pretérito Imperfecto – is used to talk about the past in Spanish. In the majority of situations, when we use the imperfecto is not to give the main information but to give the context that surrounds the main information. El pasado fin de semana estuve tomando el […]

Cultural Festivities – Spanish Christmas (I) 18

Ho, ho, ho The Christmas season has come. And since learning a language is much more than learning some vocabulary and structures, I am determined (and delighted) to showing you some of the cultural aspects of this Christmas season in Spain, which will be very helpful to understand the Spanish […]

¿Qué tiempo hace? – Talking about the weather in Spanish 2

Talking about the weather is a very handy topic in every language when you don’t know what to say. Here, I am going to give you all the vocabulary necessary to solve any uncomfortable silence in the lift. But before we get into that, let me tell you that “weather” […]

One verb, multiple uses ¿Vale?

This verb, valer, has different meanings in Spanish. 1. It’s used to ask for the price. It’s is accorded with the item whose price we want to know. Valer = ‘To cost’ – ¿Cuánto vale este bolso? How much is this bag? – ¿Cuánto valen estos zapatos? How much are […]

Pedir o Preguntar: solving a confusing verb pair (II) 1

  As we saw in a previous post, there exist few confusing verbs in Spanish. In this post I will take the doubts out of “pedir” and “preguntar”. Both verbs express the idea “to ask” reason why they are often mixed up by the Spanish learners. The choice of one […]

Other ways of talking about the future (II) 1

As I explained in a previous post, when we want to talk about the future in Spanish we can use the future simple (or “futuro imperfecto de indicativo“) but this is not the only way we can resort to in order to talk about something that will happen in the […]

Tener or Haber: solving a confusing verb pair (I) 2

  All Spanish courses focus since early stages in the learning of language in how to distinguish the scary verb pair “ser” and “estar” translated in english by just one verb, “to be”, however some of other confusing pairs are often overlooked only because they are used less often. That’s the […]

ser vs. estar

Bien or Bueno? Muy or Mucho? Erase any doubt! 19

This is a common question between the Spanish students and a great source of confusion so in this article you will learn to differentiate the two pair of terms and use them correctly. The simple answer is that one is an adjective and the other is an adverb, but that […]

Relative clauses in Spanish 12

Introduction In this post I will explain you the relative sentences in Spanish, which are the combination of two sentences that share a common noun, that means that one of the sentences gives more information, modifies or specifies the noun in common. Look at these examples: – ¿Has visto a […]

“Ser” or “Estar”: the answer 6

One of the most difficult things of learning Spanish is that there are two verbs that are the equivalent of the verb “to be”, these two verbs are “ser” and “estar“. The uses of these two verbs is quite a complex thing that could be the subject of a whole […]

Preparation DELE exam 2

The target of this package is to prepare students for the DELE test, by providing both academic preparation on all 4 sections of the test, as well as test-taking skills (answering questions in the reading section without reading entire passage, elimination of multiple-choice possibilities, etc.). First of all, what is […]

Express habits in Spanish: “soler” (suelo / solía) 1

In Spanish we have the construction “soler + infinitive” to express the idea that something usually occurs, that someone does something as a customary practice or regularly in present time, or that someone used to do something in the past but not anymore. This construction is equivalent to saying “used […]

The Conditional tense and how to make hypothesis 1

CONDITIONAL The conditional tense is frequently used to express the probability, possibility, wonder or conjecture and is usually translated as would, could, must have or probably. FORM 1. The stem is the same as for the future tense, that is, the infinitive form of the verb. 2. The endings are: […]

How to express certainty in Spanish

How do we express that something is true, sure, obvious, certain in Spanish? There are a lot of expressions, amongst the more common we find:  Está (más que) claro (que / cuál / dónde / cuándo) Está claro cuándo va a volver Julia de su viaje. It’s clear when Julia […]

Hablar del futuro (I): Futuro simple 2

In Spanish, when we want to talk about the future we use the  “futuro imperfecto de indicativo” or Futuro Simple. FORM The future is form adding the endings (-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án) to the infinitive form of the verb. Same endings for the 3 conjugations. Like in the […]

How to give instructions in Spanish 1

There are 2 ways to give instructions in Spanish: Imperative afirmative Impersonal “se” <h2>Imperative Affirmative in Spanish</h2> The imperative is used to give orders, instructions, requests… The imperative has only 4 forms: <em>tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes</em>. Regular Remember that when the imperative is accompanied with pronouns, the pronouns are attached to […]

Talk about what others say: Reported speech in Spanish 11

We use the reported speech when we want to say what other people say, think or believe. There are two ways of report this information: Direct speech: when we transmit the original message word for word. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by inverted commas. Example: The […]

Taking the confusion out of “por” and “para” 1

This two prepositions “por” and “para” are frequently mixed up because they are often used for the English word “for”. They key to understand which preposition has to be used is to think about the meaning you want to convey. In this post I’m going to show you the major […]

Talk about the recent past in Spanish: Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo 7

To talk about past experiences in an undefined time in the past, whether we don’t know exactly “when”, or just because it’s not important, we use the “Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo” (Present Perfect).  The pretérito Perfecto in Spanish is the tense used to talk about the recent past.  However, it […]

The gender and number of nouns in Spanish 1

All nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) in Spanish. Now, how can you recognise if a noun is masculine or feminine in Spanish? Watch the video below for a short and sweet explanation. Masculine or Feminine in Spanish? Let’s go into more detail. In the following part we will talk […]

Express necessity and obligation in Spanish (tener que vs. hay que) 4

We have two ways to express necessity and obligation in Spanish: tener que + infinitive  hay que + infinitive. We have two ways to express necessity and obligation in Spanish: tener que + infinitive and hay que + infinitive. Look this examples: – Homer Simpson tiene que ponerse a dieta. […]


  I offer comprehensive Spanish language courses aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. I use the communicative method (focuses on a language as a medium of communication; recognizing that all communication has a social purpose – learner has something to say or find out) and the task-based language learning (focuses on […]