Archivo Mensual: enero 2012

Talk about the recent past in Spanish: Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo 7

To talk about past experiences in an undefined time in the past, whether we don’t know exactly “when”, or just because it’s not important, we use the “Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo” (Present Perfect).  The pretérito Perfecto in Spanish is the tense used to talk about the recent past.  However, it […]

The gender and number of nouns in Spanish 1

All nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) in Spanish. Now, how can you recognise if a noun is masculine or feminine in Spanish? Watch the video below for a short and sweet explanation. Masculine or Feminine in Spanish? Let’s go into more detail. In the following part we will talk […]

Express necessity and obligation in Spanish (tener que vs. hay que) 4

We have two ways to express necessity and obligation in Spanish: tener que + infinitive  hay que + infinitive. We have two ways to express necessity and obligation in Spanish: tener que + infinitive and hay que + infinitive. Look this examples: – Homer Simpson tiene que ponerse a dieta. […]


  I offer comprehensive Spanish language courses aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. I use the communicative method (focuses on a language as a medium of communication; recognizing that all communication has a social purpose – learner has something to say or find out) and the task-based language learning (focuses on […]