Archivo Mensual: marzo 2012

Express habits in Spanish: “soler” (suelo / solía) 1

In Spanish we have the construction “soler + infinitive” to express the idea that something usually occurs, that someone does something as a customary practice or regularly in present time, or that someone used to do something in the past but not anymore. This construction is equivalent to saying “used […]

The Conditional tense and how to make hypothesis 1

CONDITIONAL The conditional tense is frequently used to express the probability, possibility, wonder or conjecture and is usually translated as would, could, must have or probably. FORM 1. The stem is the same as for the future tense, that is, the infinitive form of the verb. 2. The endings are: […]

How to express certainty in Spanish

How do we express that something is true, sure, obvious, certain in Spanish? There are a lot of expressions, amongst the more common we find:  Está (más que) claro (que / cuál / dónde / cuándo) Está claro cuándo va a volver Julia de su viaje. It’s clear when Julia […]

Hablar del futuro (I): Futuro simple 2

In Spanish, when we want to talk about the future we use the  “futuro imperfecto de indicativo” or Futuro Simple. FORM The future is form adding the endings (-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án) to the infinitive form of the verb. Same endings for the 3 conjugations. Like in the […]