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How to pass the DELE oral exam

How to pass the DELE oral exam

This post focuses on the speaking tasks of DELE B2, DELE C1 and  DELE C2 oral exam. These tasks involve expressing an opinion and negotiating / arguing with the examiner in a formal / informal conversation. In this post we also cover the DELE exam topics for the DELE B2, […]

The best way to learn Spanish as an adult. 5 Tips and Tricks 2

“Learning Spanish is more difficult when you are an adult”, they say. The common misconception is that when you start learning a foreign language at that age you won’t reach fluency and you will never sound like a Spanish native speaker. The older you are, the more difficult it is […]

Episode 3: Entrevista con Gabi Carreira, buscadora transcendental

Gaby Carreira, nacida en Argentina se mudó a Galicia con su familia y de ahí a Valencia, donde vive actualmente. Gaby es una buscadora vital, viajante y bloguera que se hace muchas preguntas transcendentales.Haciendo honor a su afán de compartir, Gaby nos habla de libros y recursos interesantes que le han […]

Describe your morning routine in Spanish and create a successful Spanish routine 1

Cada día es un nuevo comienzo.(Every day is a new beginning)  <img width="”1170″" height="”350″" src="””" alt="””" srcset="”" 1170w, https:> There are multiple reasons why you should be comfortable describing your  morning routine, one of them being the DELE exam (as […]

Describe images in Spanish

Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.(A picture speaks a thousand words) <img width="”1024″" height="”306″" src="”×306.png”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”×306.png" 1024w, https:> Many Spanish official exams (including DELE) ask for a description of a photo or image in the speaking and/or […]

Suggest, accept and refuse plans

Suggest plans How useful is it to find the ways to propose, accept and refuse plans? In this post you will learn how to do exactly that. There are several ways of suggesting plans. Here I’ll show you few: – ¿Porqué no vamos a la playa mañana? – Why don’t […]

Describing personality in Spanish 2

We will learn some vocabulary related to describing someone’s personality in Spanish. When we want to ask about the physical aspect and the personality of someone we don’t know, we ask a general question: ¿Cómo es? (How is he / she?) But if we are just curious about the personality […]

Talk about what others say: Reported speech in Spanish 11

We use the reported speech when we want to say what other people say, think or believe. There are two ways of report this information: Direct speech: when we transmit the original message word for word. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by inverted commas. Example: The […]