Take the first step

Are you ready to speak Spanish confidently? Do you want to express yourself beyond fluency in Spanish?


It’s easy to feel frustrated when we can’t find the right word, or when we make grammatical mistakes, or when we feel we can’t express our own quirkiness in Spanish.

What's your song?

Knowing your true voice in Spanish requires of 3 things:

○ Understanding the language’s structure ○ 

○  Understanding the language’s worldview/mindset ○ 

○ Knowing who you are and why, through the language ○ 

This last point is something we discover more or less organically in our mother tongue. Although it also requires some active introspection and self-questioning.

But it is something we neglect when we learn other languages. We seem to believe that if we focus on part 1 and part 2 we are fine, that we can just “translate” who we are in the language we study.

Well, no, it doesn’t work like that. When we learn a language, we need more than ever, to practice self-exploration IN the language, to discover who we are in that language. To unveil how the language structures and worldview intertwine with our own worldview and mindset creating a unique tapestry that is our unique true voice in that language.

Why Can I Help?

I have struggled for years to communicate my true self confidently in English. I thought that because my English was not “perfect”, that is, not always grammatically correct, I would never be able to connect with other people or express what I really wanted to say accurately.

My pronunciation and intonation are far from perfect and I still make mistakes sometimes, but I am confident and feel truly seen when speaking in English in public.

I have participated in slam poetry and public speaking events in English, I have given talks and speeches and have deep and meaningful conversations in English. This is not because I know the grammar to a tee or have an extensive vocabulary. It is because I have worked on my self-development in English and work constantly on discovering my “self” through English.

It turns out that expressing confidently and from the heart has very little to do with the “quality” of the language itself, but more with the depth of self-knowledge one has through that language.

2 ways to work with me


Subscription-based support that guides you to connect with your Spanish and express your authentic Spanish voice through different introspective activities.

All materials and activities are completely in Spanish.


Discover yourself in Spanish. Find WHO you are in Spanish
and WHY so you can find and express your AUTHENTIC Spanish voice.


You are living in your body and on this planet so let’s see how this can support and enhance your Spanish learning.

Self-Paced Courses


In these 2-week masterclasses, I give you all you need to know (from beginners to advance knowledge) on the most searched grammar topics: Past Tenses, Subjunctive, Ser vs Estar.


A 4 module course to reach fluency in Spanish through writing and audio journaling prompts. Write and speak about different topics to practise introspection and specific grammar topics.


A 5 module course on how to use poetry to achieve fluency and accuracy in Spanish. Poetry techniques used in conversational Spanish and tools to increase your vocabulary in a meaningful way.

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. – Maya Angelou

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