Poetic voice is the “distinctive linguistic presentation of an individual speaker.”
– Tony Hoagland

No more, no less. 

Everyone’s voice is distinct, in many ways. Originality of thought, poetic expression, sensitivity, and subtlety of insight are all expressed through your unique voice, also called idiolect.  It also carries your identity, who you are and what you believe at a conscious and unconscious level.

Writing emails, presentations, essays, summaries, and even journaling belong to conscious writing. In other words, you reach out to what is available in your conscious mind and write from that place of intelectual knowledge. Poetry, when one surrenders to it, writes from both the conscious mind and the unconscious one. This happens because writing poetry “involves unconscious and preconscious materials, such as dreams, daydreams and fantasies and it employs symbolization, condensation and sublimation”. (Poetry as a Healer, by Jack Leedy, MD)

In a way, we resort to fantasy to elicit meaning in a fresh context, we distort in order to clarify, we symbolize in order to illuminate.

To translate feelings into words suggests an awareness of self.

To explore for insights requires experimentation with language and economy of words. 

To give form to thought represents a maturity and is a growth-producing experience.

Language is our portal to meaning making, connection, healing, learning, and self-awareness. Having access to the right words can open up entire universes. When we don’t have the language to talk about what we’re experiencing, our ability to make sense of what’s happening and share it with others is severely limited

When we combine the raw elements of a language we are learning with writing poetry, we alchemize our self-expression into one that is deeply authentic, nuanced and self-aware.

When we do this process in a group, we transform our voice into one that contains empathy, acceptance and deep understanding of one self and others.

If you are learning Spanish and like reading or writing poetry, or you are curious to explore your poetic voice, this Self-Discovery Though Spanish  & Poetry Group is for you.

This group is an asynchronous experience to guide you in a self-discovery of your poetic voice in Spanish.


  • Receive one poem and one prompt (all in Spanish) every Monday for four weeks (starting on the 31st of July).
  • Respond to the prompt in a group document (where you add only your name, no surname, to keep things anonymous, which allows you to feel free to really write freely).
  • Join a 60-min group call on Sunday, 27th August at 3 pm (Ireland time) for a sharing circle to talk about your experience of the group, your insights… (This call is, of course,  optional for those who want to keep the anonymity of their contributions to the group doc).
  • The poems are about cycles (time, life, nature and body)
  • You’ll receive individual feedback from me if you wish you explore your poetic voice in Spanish more deeply.
  • You’ll get a booklet with the poems at the end.
  • Price: 25€

Previous Rounds

El yo en su cuerpo

(5 Junio – 2 Julio, 2023)

Poemas existenciales, de naturaleza, cuerpo y transiciones vitales.