Hablar del futuro (I): Futuro simple 2

In Spanish, when we want to talk about the future we use the  “futuro imperfecto de indicativo” or Futuro Simple.


The future is form adding the endings (-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án) to the infinitive form of the verb. Same endings for the 3 conjugations. Like in the example:






There are few irregular verbs in the future tense. The irregularities are in the radical but the endings don’t change. Here you have a list of the irregular verbs:

tener > tendr-
salir > sald-
haber > habr-                                          
poner > podr-                                              
venir > vendr-                                          
hacer > har-                                 +             -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án
decir > dir-                                                
querer > querr-                                        
saber > sabr-
caber > cabr-


  • We use the future tense to talk about future actions. It is normally accompanied with temporal markers like: “mañana”, “luego”, “después”…


La semana que viene iré a Sevilla de vacaciones.
Next week I will go to Sevilla on holidays.

  • We also use the future to express probability about the present.


¿Qué hora es? No sé, serán las dos…
What time is it? I don’t know, it will be two…

  • We use the future to make hypotheses.
Ana llega tarde, estará de camino.
Ana is late, she will be on her way.



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