We use the reported speech when we want to say what other people say, think or believe.

There are two ways of report this information:

  • Direct speech: when we transmit the original message word for word. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by inverted commas.


The president said: “Yes we can.”
El presidente dijo: “Sí, podemos.” 

  • Indirect speech: when we transmit the original message with our own words. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by “que” (‘that’).


The president said that we could.
El presidente dijo que podíamos.

Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

When we convert a direct speech message into indirect speech there are changes in three different aspects.

  1. The tense of the verb changes:
* The “Imperfecto de Indicativo y subjuntivo, pretérito pluscuamperfecto de indicativo y de subjuntivo, condicional simple y perfecto” doesn’t change.
2. The pronouns changes:
When we convert a sentence into reported speech the person speaking changes, so the first person changes into third, and the second changes into first.
He said: “I don’t want your book” > He said that he didn’t want my book.
Él dijo: “No quiero tu libro” > Él dijo que no quería mi libro. 
3. The time and space expression changes:

Video Class in Spanish

Watch the video below to test your Spanish listening skills with this class about the reported speech in Spanish with subtitles.

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Learn Spanish Watching TV