The robin redbreast had a message

The robin had something to say.


A song of renewal

amongst the trees.

A chirp to cheer

el  primer sollozo of the newborn.

And like in mama’s womb

a sliver of light se filtra por el Este.

Y el petirrojo says:

Come out! Emerge!


The robin redbreast had a message

The robin had something to say.


As the cold West wind

invites the pine to bow

and rustles its needles. 

in gentle ovation.

The tree from the West

bows down to the middle

and greets the new age.


The robin redbreast had a message

The robin had something to say.


The new life grumbles and howls,

wiggles and writhes 

to heed her roar 

and salute her core

as if they were inhabiting that space for the first time.

Guttural noises and stomping feet,

revealing her new song,

seizing her load on the ground.

And the wren said, “Hello, welcome 

to your new adulthood!”


El petirrojo tenía un mensaje

El petirrojo tenía algo que decir.

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