
¿La gramática es prescriptiva o descriptiva?

There is no such thing as “correct” use of language. <img width="”890″" height="”293″" src="””" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”" 890w, https:> <h4 style="”text-align:" center;”>Languages are not prescriptive. Languages don’t tell us how to communicate. We tell languages how we want to communicate.</h4>Having […]

Confidence comes from knowledge

Confianza viene del conocimiento And by knowledge, I don’t mean academic knowledge about different topics. Although, that kind of knowledge can help too. I am talking about self-knowledge, relational knowledge, outside knowledge, and intercultural knowledge when conversing in a non-native language. How do you build confidence? Stage one: self-knowledge As […]

Why is multilingualism important in business?

“Nowadays, one country cannot go it alone. This is a global village” <footer> <cite>–Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister.</cite> </footer> </blockquote> You may think that English is the lingua franca for business and the globalized world, and you’d be correct, but how long will English be the lingua franca?  With the […]

El poder sanador de la poesía multilingüe

“Dear Reader, beware. You think you’re reading my poems, but in truth, they are reading you. My words are mirrors and windows. Your reaction is merely a reflection of your own nature and experiences.” — John Mark Green Introspective writing, such as journaling, has an incredible potential for healing as […]

How to reduce foreign language anxiety 3

“I don’t remember the time when speaking didn’t make me anxious”, she mumbled, still trying to smile but unable to look me in the eye. “I feel you, sister”, I wanted to say, to help share her painful load and to show her that I’m proof of living with that […]

What does speaking authentically in a non-native language mean?

Authenticity is a human need, like the need for belonging or attachment. When we are kids or teens, our need to belong to a group, fit in, trumps our need to express ourselves, and be authentic. This means that instead of listening inwards to our body’s clues about how it […]

Healing Self-Expression Through Languages & Art | Jessica Sarlandie | Words Off Limits 1

In today’s episode,  Jessica and I discuss healing self-expression in a non-native language, the idea of authority as a hindrance for self-expression and art therapy and languages as a healing tool. <iframe width="”560″" height="”315″" src="”″" title="”YouTube" video player” frameborder="”0″" allow="”accelerometer;" autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy="”strict-origin-when-cross-origin”" allowfullscreen></iframe> <h3>Notes from […]

Teaching cultural awareness in an intercultural class 2

    This post has been inspired by the book I have just finished reading: In the name of identity: violence and the need to belong, by Amin Maalouf. Read that I strongly recommend for several reasons: it is a thought provoking book about what makes up an individual: he says […]

The purpose of language 7

I originally wrote this article on 17th September 2011. Back then, I believed that the main purpose of language was communication. Now, ten years later, after ten years of teaching and exploring languages, my vision has changed a lot. In fact, I disagree with what I wrote back then. So, […]