Día 1

  • Welcome & Embodied Poetry with María Ortega García
  • Mindfulness for Self-Expression with Virginia Jenkins
  • Words Alive with Silvia Perrone
  • Embodied Expression with Candice Wu

Embodied Poetry with María Ortega García

Virginia Jenkins

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Silvia Perrone

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Candice Wu

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Jour 2

  • Bilingual Yoga with Debby Ixchel
  • Relearning Authenticity through Language Acquisition with Jessica Tefengki Ruelle
  • Body as poetry and healing with Chesline Pierre Paul
  • Agency with Christine Ren

Debby Ixchel

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Jessica Tefengki Ruelle

Chesline Pierre Paul

Christine Ren

Lá 3

  • Somatic Honesty with Leandra Rose
  • The Creative Process with Kate Winder
  • Healing & Higher Consciousness through Holistic Language Learning with Lina Vasquez

Leandra Rose

Kate Winder

Lina Vasquez